sEnsori innovatiVi cOst effeCtive per monitoraggio parametri diAgnosTici e condizioni di carIcO macchiNari
Innovation and Digitalization
E.S.T.E. is a partner, together with other companies, in the collaborative innovation project funded by the Bi-REX Competence Center. Bi-REX | Competence Center of Bologna is a public-private consortium established by the Ministry of Economic Development and dedicated to the promotion of industrial processes and technological innovation. It hosts over 60 excellences including universities, research centers and companies that aim to guide and assist companies in adopting Industry 4.0 enabling technologies. The project is funded under the PNRR (Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 2.3) by the European Union through the Next Generation EU program, with the aim of promoting and relaunching the technological and digital transformation of the country.